Coding Giants - programming for children - Naši redni tečaji

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Priporočljivo za udeležence, ki so zaključili tečaj Python with Minecraft ali poznajo osnove drugega programskega jezika.

Svet Robloxa je svet poln dogodivščin, sovražnikov, izzivov, hkrati pa ponuja obilo priložnosti za pridobivanje novih znanj.Na tečaju ustvarjamo najbolj priljubljene igre z učenjem naprednega programskega jezika Lua. Skupaj z nami se podaj na nepozabno avanturo.

  • 14 meetings (once a week)

  • 2 x 45 min (every meeting)

  • Število udelžencev (12)

for the course €59.00

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Opis tečaja

Ustvarjanje iger v ROBLOX z Lua je enkratna priložnost za udeležence, ki želijo raziskati napredne skrivnosti ustvarjanja iger v ROBLOX z uporabo programskega jezika LUA. Na osnovi raznolikih projektov s katerimi se bodo ukvarjali v štirinajstih srečanjih, se bodo udeleženci naučili skrivnosti programiranja z višjim programskim jezikom v ROBLOX okolju. Seznanili se bodo z jezikom LUA, ki omogoča ustvarjanje naprednih iger na tej privlačni in zanimivi platform. V okviru tečaja se bodo udeleženci naučili sodobnih tehnik načrtovanja in programiranja kompleksnih računalniških iger. Razvili bodo svoje sposobnosti programiranja ter utrdili in razširili svoje znanje o osnovnih vprašanjih programiranja, kot so spremenljivke, konstante, pogojni stavki, zanke, metode, razredi in objekti. Tečaj je v osnovi namenjen udeležencem, ki so pred tem zaključili tečaj "Python z Minecraftom". Po zaključenem tečaju vsak udeleženec prejme potrdilo o udeležbi. Naši spletni tečaji niso v naprej posneti tečaji, kot so na voljo na spletu, ampak gre za interaktivne, vodene tečaje! V času posameznih srečanj iz programa tečaja, vsak udeleženec spremlja delo predavatelja, ta pa ima vpogled vpogled v delo udeležence (spremlja zaslon vsakega učenca). Vsak udeleženec ima kadarkoli možnost zastavit vprašanje, predavatelje pa pomaga razrešit nastale težave v času izvedbe posameznega srečanja.

Program tečaja

The aim of the lesson will be to familiarize yourself with the Roblox Studio environment. Students will learn the basics of how to create items, objects, determine the type of material, colors, and how to modify their size and position. Each participant will prepare their own map and test by adding a player.
The aim of the classes will be to present the basic issues of Lua language. Participants will use variables to modify objects and program the explosion.
The aim of the classes will be to create an extensive track with numerous obstacles. Students will design a checkpoint system. Using a model editor they will create various stages containing static and moving obstacles. Using the LUA language, participants will program, among others, Super Jump, obstacles destroying our player and temporary ambushes.
The lesson is a continuation of previous classes.
The aim of the lesson will be to create an information board, add additional subtitles and a program that will cause our subtitles to start to rotate and another that will make our board levitate.
The aim of the lesson will be to improve the gameplay, add first aid kits and power-ups.
The aim of the lesson will be to create a store with weapons that will allow us to fight against Zombies and cash with the possibility of collecting and displaying the amount of them.
The aim of the lesson will be to create a zombie spawning system.
The goal of the lesson will be to create a car and add an object to it, which will exterminate Zombies.
The aim of the lesson will be to learn about the animations and interactions with the dummy. You will learn the basics of how to create a character's animation with interaction with an object and with the activation of the animation after each winning wave. Each participant will prepare their animation and then test it in their game and create a program to activate the animation.
The aim of the classes will be to learn the advanced secrets of the Roblox builder. We will start working on creating a Tycoon game.
The aim of the classes will be to learn the advanced secrets of the Roblox builder. We will start working on creating a Tycoon game.
The aim of the classes will be to continue working on the game Tycoon.
The aim of the classes will be to complete the Tycoon game. During the classes we will repeat the material from the semester... After the lesson, certificates of completion will be handed out.

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