Coding Giants - programming for children - Naši redni tečaji

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Tečaj je namenjen zlasti preteklim udeležencem, ki so zaključili prvi semester predmeta, oziroma 1. stopnjo tečaja Uvod v programiranje s C#.

Drugi semester temelji predvsem na praktičnem delu in reševanju zshtevnejših nalog, s katerimi bomo pokazali, da je delo programerja vse prej kot dolgočasno. Naučili se bomo ustvarjati igre, aplikacije in programe na osnovi programskega jezika C#.

  • 14 predavanj (enkrat tedensko)

  • 90 minut (v računalniški učilnici)

  • Število udelžencev (12)

Pet mesečnih obrokov po €59.00

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Opis tečaja

Tečaj predstavlja 2. stopnjo dvosemesterskega tečaja, v katerem se udeleženci lotijo “pravega” programiranja. Na primeru sodobnega jezika C#, ki ga je razvil Microsoft, so obravnavane tipične programske strukture ob spoznavanju katerih se udeleženci naučijo ne le osnov programiranja v višjem programskem jeziku, ampak se naučijo izdelave spletnih strani ter osnov varne rabe interneta in nekaterih hekerskih tehnik, ki jih mora poznat vsak pravi programer.

Program tečaja

During the first lesson we will repeat the material learned in the first semester. We will recall issues such as: variables, operations on variables, conditional instructions, loops, methods, creating window and console applications.
The aim of the lesson is to familiarize participants with the basic issues, the concept of object-oriented programming, and work in the Solution Explorer.
The aim of the lesson is to deepen your knowledge of object-oriented programming. Issues such as inheritance, method override and static elements in programming will be presented.
The aim of the lesson is to revise and consolidate the basics of object-oriented programming and to learn about elements such as method overload, foreach loop and lists.
The aim of the lesson is to revise and consolidate the material from the basics of object-oriented programming.
We will create a window memory game in which pairs of images will be drawn during its launch. Our task will be to find all the pairs in the shortest possible time to score as many points as possible. The game will have a timer and the possibility to reboot after it is finished.
The lesson is a continuation of the subject realized in the previous lesson.
The lesson is a continuation of the subject realized in the previous lesson.
This will be our biggest project. The application will consist of several screens, which we can switch between. We will program the possibility of creating new user accounts, logging in and out of the application, adding tasks to the list, editing and removing them. Additionally, we will create a simple file database - the application will be able to store added users and their entries even after it is turned off.
The lesson is a continuation of the subject realized in the previous lesson.
The lesson is a continuation of the subject realized in the previous lesson.
The lesson is a continuation of the subject realized in the previous lesson.
We will familiarize ourselves with the basic concepts related to hacking and security. We will create a simple application simulating theft of logins and passwords.
Familiarization with the graphic engine used to create computer games, used during classes. Creating the first game.

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